Saturday, September 30, 2006

Using Your ELEP Blog Portfolio

While we will be using your blogs for writing in some lessons, remember that you should also be using your blog for developing your writing outside class as well. Below are some ideas adapted from the ELEP Writing A Portfolio that I have already given you.

1. Using the ELC Writing website.

Here there are many online exercises that you can do. For example, in Introductory Paragraphs Techniques you learn different ways of starting an essay. If you did this online exercise, in the blog you could post a link showing what you had done, and then write a short paragraph explaining the four basic techniques that are covered.

2. Using other websites.

In the ELEP folder there are links to websites on page 4. The first one, Cleveland State University Writing Center looks at the writing process. If you did this exercise, in your blog you should again post a link and then write a summary of what each webpage teaches you. Make sure that you use your own words when writing the summary.

3. Read a Newspaper of Journal Article.

First post the link or copy and paste a short extract. Then write a comment such as on page 10. Good sites to look for stories include The Guardian , BBC Learning English and ESWN

4. Watching a music video and writing a review.

You can also watch a video or DVD and then write about the lyrics and new vocabulary you have learnt. Adapt page 9 of the Porfolio for this. You can easily post an embedded link like here:

Lyrics can be found easily such as from AZ Lyrics

Your Blogs

Thanks to all of you who created your own blog.

I have added links on the right to the ones that I know. The main purpose of the blog and this course is to help you develop your own writing. One way of doing this is by reading and commenting upon what others have written. Therefore, please visit the links on the right and add comments on your classmates' work.

Remember, to complete an ELEP you need to submit an portfolio. In this course the portfolio is an online blog.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday 22 September Extra Homework

Besides the homework given in the first post on this blog and repeated in the letter I gave out in class, I would also like you to do Activity 1d on page 4. Revise your answers to activity 1b when doing this.

Do not copy from the book. Use your own ideas.

You can post your answer on your blog.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Advantages of Using a Blog

There are several advantages to using a blog in this course.

They include:
  • you will have a more permanent record of the writing that you do
  • you will be able to see how your writing has improved and developed during the course
  • you will be able to see and learn from other students' writing
  • the teacher has easier access to your work, so he is able to give you better feedback to help you to improve your writing

If you have any more ideas, post a comment!

Welcome to ELEP Developing Writing Skills A blog

Dear ELEP Writing Skills A students

Welcome to your blog!

The purpose of this blog is to help you develop your writing in a better and more efficient way.

You should have received an invitation to join this blog already in your PolyU email account. If you have not received an invitation yet, please contact Adam through the e-learning site.

Before the class next Friday, you need to have done the following:

1. Accepted my invitation to join this blog.
2. Created your own blog account at blogger.
3. Made your own blog.
4. Added a link to Friday ELEP Writing on your blog.
5. Written an introduction to yourself on your blog.
6. Sent me a link to your blog through the e-learning site.

If you have any questions or problems please ask me or send me an email.
